TPR – Total Physical Response

TPR: “Total Physical Response”

Though TPR as originated by James Asher (Asher’s Site) became popular in the 1970s, it has been used widely in many languages since. It claims that “the human brain has a biological program for acquiring any natural language on earth.”

Others have noted that TPR follows a general human pattern of learning and so have redesignated TPR as “T” – Tune in; “P” – Process; and “R” – Respond.

Further Interest

Instructing your Language Helper how to do TPR


1. Follow “Look and Listen” to do TPR: (1) the learner-leader acts out the verbs one by one, asking the LH to tell the whole group to do what that learner-leader demonstrated; all do it in response to the LH’s commands; (2) the LH says the commands one by one (without the learner-leader doing the action first), the group does the actions as commanded; (optional; 3) The LH does an action him/herself saying any one of the verbal commands; the group says “yes” or “no” accordingly. Add new verbs one by one.

2. Draw pictures of the actions. Learn the verbs on the pictures using Look and Listen. Then ask the LH to command you to do the actions on the pictures. Be sure it is the ‘command form’ (the imperative) of the verb.

3. Give the LH a list of verbs. Tell him/her that you’d like him/her to tell/command you to do those verbs, but since you don’t know them yet, would s/he also do the action as s/he tells you to do them. Also tell him/her to start with 1, then 2, then add a new verb one by one, slowly mixing up what you already know.

Total Physical Response Techniques

Total Physical Response techniques are another excellent way to begin working with your LH, for they re-activate the brain’s language learning capacity. You begin to associate words directly with items and actions, not with English. You also begin to “sense” the language and to “internalize” basic grammar (word order, etc.) Also, anxiety is kept low.

With the Total Physical Response techniques you respond to commands spoken in the target language. The Physical Response techniques enable you:

  • To make mental associations between forms and meanings
  • To build comprehension vocabulary quickly
  • To build listening comprehension skills without vocal interference
  • To avoid translating from your own language to the target language
  • To begin assimilating basic sentence and sound patterns


  • Plan your session thoroughly in advance. This method will not be successful if you just make it up as you go along.
  • Demonstrate this technique to the LH so s/he understands what you are trying to listen and respond to.
  • Try to associate each command with the appropriate action without translating into your own language.
  • Have the LH repeat the commands many times in random order so you get lots of practice. It is important to repeat things often enough to learn them well.
  • Respond as quickly as possible, so the response becomes naturally connected to the command.
  • Record your session with the LH so you can listen to the tape later and practice your responses. Keep reviewing previous lessons.

TPR Activity Ideas

“The following is a first list of just some of the words that can easily be learned using TPR. It is exemplary, not comprehensive, and can be used as a start to make of list of 1,000 or even 2,000 words. A few of the words are culture/county specific but you can replace them with things from where you are.”

A. Everyday Activities/General body movements

  1. go in
  2. go out
  3. walk
  4. run
  5. stop
  6. crawl
  7. raise hand
  8. clap (your hand)
  9. read
  10. write
  11. jump
  12. eat
  13. drink
  14. listen
  15. read
  16. speak
  17. stand up
  18. sit down
  19. look at
  20. open
  21. close
  22. wake up
  23. scream
  24. laugh
  25. tip toe
  26. clean
  27. hop
  28. bend over
  29. squat
  30. face (me, the wall, etc.)
  31. lift/lower (arm (left leg, etc.)
  32. shake my hand
  33. kiss me (on the cheek)
  34. make a fist
  35. snap your fingers
  36. wave
  37. drink
  38. iron
  39. pay
  40. spit
  41. look at
  42. listen to/hear
  43. carry on shoulder/ head/hand
  44. hold
  45. kick
  46. throw
  47. pick up
  48. set down
  49. take
  50. give
  51. hit
  52. pinch
  53. feel
  54. drop
  55. play
  56. push
  57. pull
  58. wind
  59. twirl
  60. turn
  61. stop
  62. be quiet
  63. tie (up)/untie
  64. study
  65. think
  66. greet
  67. play a game
  68. play an instrument
  69. discipline children
  70. watch TV
  71. dig
  72. feed
  73. cover
  74. uncover
  75. pray
  76. ask/request
  77. light (match/fire)
  78. put on (ring, clothes, etc)
  79. wash (self)
  80. wash (clothes)
  81. swim
  82. dive
  83. drive
  84. sleep
  85. wake up
  86. shave
  87. cut hair
  88. cut nails
  89. call
  90. eat – banana, orange, etc
  91. lie down
  92. get up
  93. go down
  94. (staircase, etc.)
  95. go up/across
  96. come up/down
  97. come across
  98. turn left
  99. turn right
  100. turn around
  101. skip
  102. walk
  103. walk backwards
  104. move arm
  105. swim
  106. sniff
  107. wiggle finger
  108. tap foot

B. General verbs you can use with objects

  1. touch
  2. show me
  3. pick up
  4. put down
  5. put it back (return)
  6. drop
  7. move
  8. give me (give him)
  9. take it back
  10. throw
  11. catch
  12. turn over (flip)
  13. put the _____ on (under etc.) the ______
  14. push
  15. pull
  16. lift

C. Prepositions

  1. on
  2. in
  3. under
  4. above
  5. beside/next to
  6. in front of
  7. behind
  8. to the left of
  9. to the right of

D. Verbs that have to do with a Classroom

  1. Stand up/sit down
  2. Raise (hand)
  3. Write (___)
  4. Erase (____)
  5. Open (your ____)
  6. Close (____)
  7. Listen (____)
  8. Turn on/off (lights)
  9. Turn to page number
  10. Turn the page
  11. Turn forward 5 pages
  12. Turn back a page
  13. Turn back three pages
  14. Do (homework)
  15. Bring in/back (homework)
  16. Check
  17. Take out (_____)
  18. Answer (____)

E. Facial things

  1. smile
  2. cough
  3. laugh
  4. cry
  5. yawn
  6. blink
  7. frown
  8. nap
  9. sing
  10. snif
  11. raise eye brows
  12. whisper
  13. belch
  14. nod head
  15. shake heas
  16. scratch
  17. breath
  18. kiss
  19. smile
  20. open/close eyes
  21. sneeze
  22. hiccup
  23. hum
  24. open your mouth
  25. close your mouth
  26. stick out your tongue
  27. put your tongue back in
  28. wink
  29. blink
  30. wiggle your nose

F. Voice things

  1. speak
  2. sing
  3. hum
  4. whisper
  5. shout/yell
  6. stop speaking (singing, humming)

G. Kitchen

  1. peel
  2. cut
  3. slice
  4. chop
  5. boil
  6. spill (water/milk)
  7. pour
  8. eat
  9. drink

H. Bathroom

  1. comb
  2. brush
  3. shampoo
  4. put on (deodorant)
  5. dry (hands)
  6. wipe off
  7. wash
  8. bath
  9. dry/comb (hair)
  10. braid (hair)

I. Words having to do with a door

  1. open the door
  2. close the door
  3. lock the door
  4. unlock the door
  5. look through the peephole
  6. ring the doorbell
  7. knock on the door

J. Words having to do with a recorder/radio/etc.

  1. play
  2. record
  3. rewind
  4. fast forward
  5. pause
  6. put the _____ in
  7. take _____ out
  8. turn _____ over
  9. push
  10. turn up the volume
  11. turn down the volume
  12. stop
  13. turn on
  14. turn off
  15. change (the station)
  16. find some music
  17. find some talking
  18. change the band (e.g., from AM to FM)
  19. change it back

K. Things to do with a pen

  1. take off the cap
  2. put the cap back on
  3. write