Stages Reference Document

Guidelines for Stages (or Levels) 1-4: introduction

Language is learned step-by-step; there are different stages of language proficiency. We grow in our ability to use and understand language as we simultaneously grow in our ability to participate in the culture. A foundational principle of PLACE is thatLanguage and Culture are integrated and are best learned together. PLACE builds language learning sessions from and within relevant cultural contexts.”

This document outlines the first 4 stages with three constituent elements each: A, B & C. Think about a drama or theatre: you need a setting or staging (the domains, i.e. the cultural contexts: Part A); you need actors (you and others) and ‘a plot’ (the communication tasks: Part B); and you need the language structures (Part C) that enable you to play your part. Part A gives the level/stage-appropriate Languacultural Domains; Part B gives the level/stage-appropriate Social-Cultural Communication Tasks; and Part C gives the level/stage-appropriate Language Structures.

These categories give you ‘the pieces’ that go into your language acquisition program. These are guidelines to help you construct & monitor your language acquisition program. They can also be useful for your accountability partner and/or language coach. Remember, these are the pieces. How they fit together into lesson plans is given by building your own PALs.

    STAGE 0-1: “Novice/Intermediate”; BASIC LEVEL

    STAGE 0-1: “Novice/Intermediate”; BASIC LEVEL – A. LanguaCultural Domains

    1. General Description:

    • Everyday familiar Settings: home, neighborhood, village, market, school, etc., together with
    • Material, Concrete, Tangible Objects

    2. Social Contexts

    • Motivation: Build Relationships
    • Goal: Communicate & act in culturally appropriate ways
    • Goal: A genuine interest in getting to know people

    3. Examples of Specific Domains

    • Parts of a House: Inside, Outside
      • rooms
      • things in each room
      • typical activities done in each room with those things
    • Market Items
    • Transportation (Kinds: bike, car, bus, train, etc.)
    • Local Buildings/Places (e.g. Market, Bank, School, Mosque, Plaza, etc.)
    • Restaurant (especially for Energetic, Relational)
    • Common Daily Routines
    • Numbers: start with 1-10; proceed to 100
    • Money: Name & Value of each ‘piece’
    • Colors
    • Time, Calendar
    • Body Parts
    • Kinds of People: Old, Young, men, women, children, infants, etc.
    • Social Roles: Police, Taxi Driver, Store Keeper (various kinds)
    • Food (objects)
    • Food Preparation (Actions [recipe instructions]: mix, boil, bake, etc.)

    For more ideas go to:

    STAGE 0-1: “Novice/Intermediate”; BASIC LEVEL – B. Social-Cultural Communication Tasks

    See also Self-Assessment Checklists

    1. Greet people politely and say good-bye politely (simple greetings and leave-takings)–with appropriate gestures
    2. Thank people politely
    3. Say “yes” and “no”
    4. Use memorized phrases to ask for food
    5. Name colors
    6. Count to 100
    7. Say the time, days of week, months, seasons, times of day
    8. Give your name and tell where you are from (making a social introduction, including self-introduction). Other Memorized Monologues (see also the other ATs in Memorized Monologues).

    Name concrete objects, such as:

    • furniture
    • plants
    • animals
    • tools
    • machines
    • food items
    • basic clothing
    • common household items

    Name classes of people, such as:

    • men
    • women
    • boys
    • girls, and
    • babies

    More Social-Cultural Communication Tasks

    1. Name sizes of objects or age of people, such as a big boat or a small child
    2. Get someone’s attention by interrupting
    3. Request and comprehend simple information
    4. Express understanding or failure to understand
    5. Make an apology and express regret
    6. Express gratitude when appropriate ( & no thank you)
    7. Ask someone to enter your home
    8. Ask permission to leave someone’s home
    9. Request an object, understand response
    10. Request an action, understand response
    11. Offer an object, understand response
    12. Give simple instructions
    13. Give simple directions to home
    14. Make a basic appointment (e.g.: date, time, place of lang. lesson)
    15. Shop at vegetable market, or store

    Key Resources, Activities & Techniques

    STAGE 0-1: “Novice/Intermediate”; BASIC LEVEL – C. Language Structures

    Start with many

    • Lists
    • Isolated names, words (like colors, body parts, etc.)

    But also simple

    • Positive statements
    • Negative statements
    • Commands
    • Questions
    1. Then continue with Basic Types of Sentences (Include if/when ready: “Multiply The Basics” and “Gain Flexibility” options. Also see KickStart, Chapter Bare bones (p. 9)
    2. For troublesome sounds, see the sound drills.
    3. For help with grammatical terms, go to Glossary of Basic Grammar Terms.
    4. See Additional Grammar for more guidance as you are ready & able.



    STAGE 2: “Advanced”; PROGRESSING LEVEL –
    A. LanguaCultural Domains

    1. General Description:

    • Beyond the tangible object focus to the social-human observable
    • Still ‘your close-work world’: job, your family, your interests, school, common social situations

    2. Social Contexts

    • Motivation: Understand what is going on
    • Goal: Widen circle of friendly relations
    • Goal: Having a place in the community

    3. Examples of Specific Domains

    • Your personal interests, hobbies, etc.
    • Self, family, common daily routines, autobiographical info
    • Kinship system (beginning, rudimentary)
    • Degrees of formality
    • Common sicknesses
    • Numbers up to 1000
    • Basic ‘Market Arithmetic’ (+, -, =, x, perhaps ≥, ≤, ≠, divide)
    • Basic weather terms
    • “Scripts” (usual formulas of interaction) for common social situations
    • Body language: eye contact, personal space
    • Showing respect
    • Customs of hospitality
    • Rituals and customs (observable aspects)

    Progress with, reviewing and going beyond Stage 1A above:

    STAGE 2: “Advanced”; PROGRESSING LEVEL –
    B. Social-Cultural Communication Tasks

    See also Self-Assessment Checklists

    1. Introduce yourself, giving your name and basic personal information
    2. Give directions on how to get from one place to another
    3. Describe your health problems to a doctor or nurse
    4. Tell about your family, giving names and simple information about them such as their occupations or what they look like
    5. Arrange to meet someone at a particular time and place and date in the near future
    6. Describe typical routine activities, such as what you usually do on the weekend
    7. Request items, discuss prices, and handle currency in a situation involving a purchase
    8. Request to borrow something and/or respond to a request to borrow something
    9. Retrieve a borrowed item
    10. Ask questions about menu items, order food, and ask for and pay a bill at a restaurant
    11. Describe in detail a particular place, such as a school, store or another town or village
    12. Carry out a limited financial transaction (buying an item, exchanging currency)
    13. Visit / Entertain a visitor – making small talk
    14. Issue /decline an invitation
    15. Express congratulations
    16. Give and/or receive gifts
    17. Talk about things you like to do, such as leisure activities, favorite hobbies or pastimes
    18. Talk about things you expect to do in the future, such as a planned trip or activity
    19. Express sympathy
    20. Express gratitude
    21. Change the subject
    22. Compliment / accept a compliment
    23. Clarify misunderstandings
    24. Express an opinion / ask for an opinion
    25. Disagree tactfully

    Key Activities & Techniques For Section B

    STAGE 2: “Advanced”; PROGRESSING LEVEL –
    C. Language Structures

    Continue with Basic Types of Sentences (Include “Multiply Th eBasics” and “Gain Flexibility” options.) See also Kick Start (Chapter 4). Go to Additional Grammar for more guidance as you are ready & able. Also Glossary of Basic Grammar Terms)

    Also see Kick Start (Chapter 4), Chapter (Bare bones) + Chapter (Adding a little bit of muscle), page 15.

    Choose the “tenses” of the verbs you wish to learn. Go to Tenses Aspects Moods Voice for more guidance.


    STAGE 3: “Superior”; CAPABLE LEVEL

    STAGE 3: “Superior”; CAPABLE LEVEL – A. LanguaCultural Domains

    1. General Description:

    • From the tangible to the intangible
    • The implicit

    2. Social Contexts

    • Motivation: Love and Respect shown and understood
    • Goal: Genuine, close relationships
    • Goal: Acceptance of Differences
    • Goal: Connecting at the emotional level

    3. Examples of Specific Domains

    • Community organization, leadership
    • Property rights
    • Status issues; social mobility
    • Ethics
    • Law
    • Arts
    • Attitudes toward animals & nature
    • More nuance re the kinship system, e.g. roles & responsibilities involved

    Progress with, reviewing and going beyond Stage 1A above:

    Proceed with

    STAGE 3: “Superior”; CAPABLE LEVEL –
    B. Social-Cultural Communication Tasks

    See also Self-Assessment Checklists

    1. Describe a sequence of events that happened in the past
    2. Describe things that used to happen in the past, such as things you used to do when you were younger, or people and places you used to know or visit
    3. Compare and contrast two objects, customs or places (the tribal culture that the consultant is familiar with can be a good topic for the learner to talk about, comparing it with the local culture)
    4. Talk about your future plans or goals
    5. Explain a simple process you know how to do, such as making a cake or repairing a tire
    6. Give instructions about what you would like someone to do, explaining the steps involved in carrying out an activity, such as when telling a housekeeper how you would like her to wash the clothes
    7. Give a brief, organized, factual summary of what happened in an event you attended
    8. Give advice to someone faced with making a decision, giving reasons for your advice
    9. Lodge a complaint, giving the reasons and details of why you are dissatisfied
    10. Express personal apologies clearly and appropriately to someone you have offended
    11. State the advantages and disadvantages of a situation or a decision
    12. Tell someone what you would do in a hypothetical situation, such as if you suddenly received a lot of money
    13. Answer the telephone at home or at work
    14. Describe your job and the organization you work for
    15. Direct people to the right building or office
    16. Handle simple job-related inquiries
    17. Take and defend a stand on a current issue
    18. Handle an emergency situation

    Conversation Starters
    Growing Participator Approach (GPA)
    See Stages & Phases

    STAGE 3: “Superior”; CAPABLE LEVEL –
    C. Language Structures

    Finish with Basic Types of Sentences (Include “Multiply The Basics” and “Gain Flexibility” options. See also Kick Start. Go to Additional Grammar for more guidance as you are ready & able. Also Glossary of Basic Grammar Terms)

    Add Kick Start, Chapter 4.2.3. Expressing deeper thoughts—adding a lot of muscle (page 20) to Chapter (Bare bones) + Chapter (Adding a little bit of muscle)

    Choose the “tenses & aspects” of the verbs you wish to learn. Go to Tenses Aspects Moods Voice for more guidance.


    STAGE 4: “Distinguished”; PROFICIENT LEVEL

    STAGE 4: “Distinguished”; PROFICIENT LEVEL – A. LanguaCultural Domains

    See also Self-Assessment Checklists

    1. General Description:

    • Abstract, unknown
    • Investigated, researched

    2. Social Contexts

    • Motivation: Right to speak & be heard
    • Goal: Understand all the dominant cultural themes
    • Goal: Trust, respect, relaxed naturalness

    3. Examples of Specific Domains

    • Issues and Events affecting the culture: Lectures, Museum tours, University Courses, Political Debates, etc.
    • Abstract ideas and attitudes
    • All the dominant cultural themes; explore using Ethnographic Methods for PLACE
    • Ideas, beliefs, values, myths
    • Fears, attitudes re death & afterlife
    • Aesthetic and literary properties of the language
    • In short, “the worldview/heart” level of understanding and engagement
    STAGE 4: “Distinguished”; PROFICIENT LEVEL – B. Social-Cultural Communication Tasks

    See also Self-Assessment Checklists