Activities Techniques (overview)


Read Introduction to ATs first.

Helpful resource: Glossary of SLA Terms

In The Nest

  1. Look and Listen
  2. TPR – Total Physical Response
  3. Power Tools
  4. Additional ATsThings to do with a LH in a ‘Safe Place’
  5. Speaking Projects Using GLUE
  6. Reading and Writing
  7. Sound Drills (with demo)
  8. The Series Method

Getting ‘Out There’

  1. JournalsPAN & Personal
  2. Going out into the Community
    1. Ethnographic Methods for PLACE
    2. A “Random-Life” Mapping Journal (PAN)
    3. A Personal (Language-Culture) Journal
    4. Relationship Journal
    5. Memorized Monologues
    6. Dumb-Smart Question
    7. Ask-Me-A-Question
    8. LAMP Routes & Cycles – Week 1+
    9. Other Resources
  3. Survival Phrases – Basic Texts – Functions
    1. Basic Texts to Get You Started
    2. Memorized Monologues
  4. Additional ATs — How might Section 2 and Section 3 be adapted for use out in the community?
  5. Sociocultural themes (More Advanced; Integrate with Stages’ Reference-Document, Stage 2): Borrowed from LinguaLinks 5.0 (1999), with gratitude.
    1. Daily life
    2. Environment
    3. Social relations
    4. Values and beliefs


  1. PLACE manual (ATs): A Collection of Activities & Techniques
  2. Language Acquisition Projects (LAPs)
  3. Developing Connected Speech
  4. Conversation Starters
  5. PhotoBook: sampleThe Use of a Book of Photos in Initial Comprehension Learning: (full version) (summary)
  6. Kick Start (Chapter 4) Language Categories (.pdf) & Ideas for vocabulary and sentence patterns (Full Text)
  7. The Next 150 Hours
  8. Reading and Writing