Supplemental (overview)



Read short descriptions of supplemental files.


Glossary of SLA Terms

  1. Orientations to Language Learners & Language Learning
    1. Characteristics of a Good Language Learner
    2. Success with Foreign Languages: Seven who achieved it and what worked for them by Earl W. Stevick
    3. Four Approaches & Styles of Language Learning
    4. Language Learning Styles and Strategies: An Overview
    5. Affect in Language Learning
    6. Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets That Shape Our Lives
    7. Aging & the Adult Learner
      1. Critical Periods and the Paradox of Success
      2. Characteristics of Adult Learners; also here 
      3. Affective Factors and the Problem Of Age in Second Language Acquisition
      4. Is there a critical period for acquiring language?
    8. Comparing and Contrasting First and Second Language Acquisition
    9. Principles of Instructed Language Learning
    10. Introducing Second Language Acquisition:  A ‘classic’ text by Muriel Saville-Troike (2006)
    11. On-Line Language Learning Sites, Articles & Suggestions
    12. Pre-production and a Silent Period?
    13. Memory Hints
  2. The Role of Language (and Culture) Learning in a Fruitful Life of Service
    1. Seven Themes of Fruitfulness
    2. Describing Fruitful Practices: Communication Methods
  3. Basic Language (and Culture) Programs
    1. PLACE, of course, is also a “Basic Program.” For starters, see: Introduction to Designing &/or Main Page.
    2. Language Acquisition Projects (LAPs)
    3. LACE (Language Acquisition For Cross-Cultural Effectiveness)
    4. Growing Participator Approach (GPA); The First 100 Hours; The Next 150 Hours
    5. Purnell, Day by Day (40 pairs of Level 1 Language Acquisition [LA] and Culture Acquisition [CA] guidelines, from SIL’s LinguaLinks CD, 1999 version)
    6. Managing Your Language Learning Program
  4. Various Language Proficiency Scales, with Comparisons (An Overview of Stages)
    1. The Color Chart Comparing the FSI, NTM, LAMP, ACTFL, & GPA Scales, with Definitions
    2. Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
    3. Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR)
    4. FSI, ACTFL, CLB Compared; FSI, ACTFL, CEFR Compared; CEFR, CLB Compared; CEFR, FSI (=ILR), ACTFL, CLB Compared
  5. Reference Resources
    1. PLACE manual (ATs)
    2. Self-Assessment Checklists
    3. On-Line Language Learning Sites, Articles & Suggestions
    4. An On-Line SLA Phonetics Manual
    5. Conversation Starters
    6. LanguaCulture: From language and culture to language as culture; Culture or LanguaCulture; Languaculture as a key concept in language and culture teaching; Agar’s Site
    7. Outline of Cultural Materials
    8. Resources List
    9. Bibles in Many Languages
    10. CIT In-Class Use: LH Session; Notebook §5 (LPPW); Children & SLA
  6. Supplemental Reading
    1. “Humility” by Andrew Murray
    2. “Risk is Right” by John Piper
    3. Overcoming “Performance Orientation”
    4. Curiosity, Creativity, Learning … and Technology
    5. 10 tips and tricks to pick up any language
  7. Help Tracking Your Progress
    1. Relationship journal (xls)
    2. Word Log (xls)
  8. Second and Foreign Language Teaching & Learning — Perspectives
    1. Second and Foreign Language Teaching Methods
    2. Myths & Realities of Language Programs:  General principles with some spin toward kids & schools.
    3. Language Learning, Literacy and Learning Disabilities
    4. Resources List